Friday, May 3, 2013

Keeping it simple.

Sometimes, I struggle with clutter. I don't like it. It makes me nervous, but I have a hard time letting it go sometimes. Especially when it comes to vintage kitchen "stuff". Declutter my life!! That is my goal. Ugh...what to do!? Too many cookbooks, too many dishes, yikes, just too much! I really want to keep it simple. The older I get, the more anxious I get around too much clutter. If I don't use it, or it's not functional, I should let it go, right!?!? But what if I love it? See what I mean? my kitchen...nothing but struggles! Help!

                      some of my loved treasures...


  1. Hello Diane, Maybe I should introduce myself since you might be wondering who the new person is who recently followed you. I don't know how I happened on your blog but when I did I loved the About Me. I read some posts then and came back tonight and read about your tonsillectomy--hope you're all well from it--and about your pink door. I know you made those gentlemen's day. And I've read other posts between those.

    You're a young woman, in fact, we have a daughter a few years older than you! I'll be having a 70th birthday soon. Quite a difference between the two of us. I am drawn to your blog because I like how you write, the way you want to keep your life simple, how you want to declutter but still can't help loving some of the things that cause that clutter. Me too.

    I just felt I should introduce myself rather than coming back over and over and lurking! So pleased to meet you,

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words! It really means a lot. Its lovely to meet you as well.
    I am on month 5 post tonsillectomy. They say it could take 6 months before I feel completely normal again. Keeping my fingers crossed!
    Those 2 gentle were so funny and wonderful to sit and chat with. They acrually made MY day!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Im so glad SOMEONE is enjoying what I write.
    Stay in touch!
    XO, Diane

  3. Hi Diane,
    I love your wine rack (the colour is gorgeous) and your collection of cutting boards ♥

    1. Thanks, Deb. Believe it or not, the wine rack/wooden box is from my dads tool shed. Yes, complete with old jars of nails in it. That was the color I found it in. I fell in love instantly. Perfect for wine! Also, I have a 'thing' for cutting boards/bread boards....I really would like to have a handmade one :) Hope you're having a great week.
