Sunday, June 23, 2013

Around the garden & in the kitchen.


 butternut squash

homemade pita bread 
(recipe from

homemade wheat crackers
(recipe from smitten kitchen)

fried green tomatoes-fresh from the garden

lemon cucumbers

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Solstice & a day @ the beach!

Celebrated Summer Solstice at a friend's house. We picked blackberries, had dinner on the front porch @ sunset, and had homemade blackberry pie.

   picking berries

A perfect day
@ Fernandina Beach

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Middle of June

Where are we?

We are still trying to wrap our heads around the loss of John's papa. It's been tough, but we know that he is in a better place. And we both find comfort in that.

I can't believe it's the later part of June already!  Our garden is doing well. except for a few minor issues with our yellow squash...I found some worms in the roots of a few plants....grrrrr.
We've already dug up and eaten 4lbs of potatoes, lots of lettuce, radishes and tomatoes. Our peas are up about 3 feet, corn about 4 feet, and the okra and cantaloupe are coming in nicely. Plus, just today, I spotted my very first butternut squash! Yay!

The temperatures here lately are in the high 90's. The mosquitos and yellow flies are unbearable!! I've been bitten no less than 500 times and probably have the West Nile virus as I write!! (kidding)

I spent this past weekend home alone  while the boys went to the hunting camp in Florida to do "man stuff". Some quality father/son time on this Father's day weekend. Here at home, I slept till 9am, drank coffee on the porch, hung out with the hens, had quiet reading time in the yard, weeded the gardens, and spent some time with a best friend.           Nice. Simple. Perfect.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Saying goodbye.

It has been quiet and emotional around our home lately. I haven't felt much like writing. I feel sad and somewhat void. My husbands grandfather passed away last week. We lost our PaPa! He was 90 years old, a World War 2 veteran, a brother, a father, a grandfather, a great grandfather, a sweet, strong and hard working man. Saying goodbye is never easy. He will forever be cherished and missed. We love you, PaPa. Rest in peace.