Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hold On

Hold On

Hold on to what is good,
Even if it's a handful of earth.
Hold on to what you believe,
Even if it's a tree that stands by itself.
Hold on to what you must do,
Even if it's a long way from here.
Hold on to your life,
Even if it's easier to let go.
Hold on to my hand,
Even if someday I'll be gone away from you.

A Pueblo Indian Prayer

Full Moon Magic

There's something about the energy from a full moon that feels magical. For me, it's an instant high. October's full moon is by far my favorite~ The 'Hunters Moon'.

It was a perfect night for meditation. The air was crisp and cool, and a faint smell of wood smoke was floating about. Easy to soak it all in and just breathe. A perfect fall night.

Happy fall! Sending you light and love wherever you. XO

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fall is falling

I can feel fall arriving more and more each day.
I can feel me falling more and more behind schedule everyday.
Things I need to do.
Things that should have been done.
Drowning in the season change.
Feeling it pull me down.
Sunsets in my rearview mirror.
Feeling I've lost my balance.
Needing to get it back.
I will not fall this fall.
I will win.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The story of a Broody Hen

A little while back, one of my hens, Lucy, went broody. Frustrating because we don't have a rooster, nor do we want one. She is setting herself up for disappointment, I thought. So, I'd take her off the nest and collect all the eggs on a daily basis. A few weeks passed and thankfully, she stopped. I had won! She seemed back to her normal self. Hanging out with the other girls, scratching for worms and bugs, and dirt bathing when out on supervised free range. All was well in the coop week later!

I went out and there she was! Laying, laying, laying! Gosh darn it!  Now what!? After a lot of thought, I decided to get fertile eggs from a good friend. I got five exactly. I marked the eggs with an 'x' and let her lay. I waited. A few of the fertile eggs were broken. And I was still gathering the eggs being laid by our other three hens. They would go in and lay right beside her, so she would just scoop them up and lay on them as well. Hence the 'x'. I would have to go out and dig around her to gather up the eggs without the 'x'. She would get mad and we argued a lot. :) I was thankful the other girls didn't stop laying.

I wasn't  sure if this was going to work, I mean, why wouldn't it? But it was my first experience in doing this, so I really didn't know what to expect. After nineteen days and all but one of the fertile eggs were broken, I was starting to lose hope. My dear friend brought over four more eggs. I marked these with an 'o'. Just to keep it going. I figured, at this point, whatever happens will happen and I'll just let it be.

Around the 21st morning, I went out to gather eggs and found a new baby chick. Success! Lucy is a mama! Welcome baby Julia. Hopeful it's a girl, otherwise, it's Julian. And he will have to go.

Also, the other four fertile eggs were broken. So only one baby for now!

Today, they took their first dirt bath together. It was one of the most precious things I've ever seen. She's a good mama. A very determined mama!  

In the end, we both won! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I'm not a good summer blogger!

Too busy I suppose!? I don't really have some great excuse. I love to blog. I really do. I just don't know where the time goes. Before you know it, a month has passed me by. Busy in the garden, spending time with family and friends, and just living, I guess.

August has also been pretty rainy here. Not as much as July, but they're running a close race. But, in all, August has been a good month. And that is all I can ask for really.

Hugs xoxo

Friday, August 2, 2013

A rainy and gloomy July is gone...

And I couldn't be happier. I was definitely feeling blue. Somewhat in a slump. Couldn't seem to snap out of it. It rained for almost the entire month! I wanted to sleep all the time, I had constant headaaches, like 4 per week, and I didn't feel like cooking or cleaning. You get the point. Not much to blog about in my world. And so, here I am, blogging about it.

It is now August. A new month, a new attitude, a new beginning, and finally, some SUNshine. Yay!

Recently, I was browsing the web and found some inspirational pictures that made me feel happy, thought I would share. 

Also, I've decided to start drawing again. I'm no professional, just doodles mostly. But, it makes me happy. And that is all that is important.

Happy weekend!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

From the backyard this morning.

Atleast good things are still happening in the backyard. Today is looking good thus far. And the sun is shining! Yay! It's a new day, and I plan to make the best of it. I'm off to mingle with the chickens, transplant 20+ tomato plants, hang some laundry on the clothesline, and soak in some vitamin D.

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A terrible weekend is bound to happen every now and again...

And THIS was one of them!
Starting with Friday, I broke out into hives from head to toe. Still unsure of the cause. I was an itchy, miserable mess. Welts were literally appearing and growing before my eyes. Luckily benadryl calmed it down and induced lots of sleep. Woke up late Saturday morning completely normal. Insane how it just appears out of the blue, with no real explanation of why. Glad that's over!
And the fun continues...
Went to dinner with friends Saturday night, and as I pulled out of their front driveway, through their front gate and several mud puddles, I took a left turn onto a dirt road and slid straight into a ditch full of water! (It has rained here for 2 weeks straight) Scary is an understatement! I was driving slowly and slid for what seemed an eternity. Couldn't move an inch. Began crying as I heard gushing water pour into my jeeps passenger side, then realized my Louis Vuitton bag had 4 inches of water in it! Ugh! Luckily, I was pulled out, with a tractor, with minor damage done. Although it can be repaired, it hurt my feelings a lot. I cried like a little girl. Just mad at myself for not being more careful. Grrr. Part of my front tire cover was ripped off and is now sitting in the back seat. Neat! (sarcasm) However, I know it could be worse. Hopefully, I can laugh about it all in a month. But, as of now, I'm a nervous wreck, my chest hurts from anxiety and I am waiting for the sleeping pill I took earlier to kick in.
Hopeful for a better Sunday! XO

Monday, July 8, 2013

Vacation in July.

I took a solo trip to Florida to visit my Aunt Joann, my mothers older sister. Gone for a week! She lives 25 minutes from Amelia Island. It was a much needed, relaxing and wonderful vacation!

Most mornings, for breakfast we had oatmeal with fresh fruit and nuts, and black coffee.

At night we stayed up late (until 3 am usually) with conversation, long stretches on the floor, and icecream sandwiches.

Had mostly seafood dinners, some were seaside. Oh, and Keylime pie.

Daytime was spent soaking in the sunshine at the beach or pool. An occasional nap afterwards.

Laughter. Tears. Cleansing of the soul.
Definitely going back again real soon.

Hope you had a happy 4th of 


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Around the garden & in the kitchen.


 butternut squash

homemade pita bread 
(recipe from

homemade wheat crackers
(recipe from smitten kitchen)

fried green tomatoes-fresh from the garden

lemon cucumbers

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Solstice & a day @ the beach!

Celebrated Summer Solstice at a friend's house. We picked blackberries, had dinner on the front porch @ sunset, and had homemade blackberry pie.

   picking berries

A perfect day
@ Fernandina Beach

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Middle of June

Where are we?

We are still trying to wrap our heads around the loss of John's papa. It's been tough, but we know that he is in a better place. And we both find comfort in that.

I can't believe it's the later part of June already!  Our garden is doing well. except for a few minor issues with our yellow squash...I found some worms in the roots of a few plants....grrrrr.
We've already dug up and eaten 4lbs of potatoes, lots of lettuce, radishes and tomatoes. Our peas are up about 3 feet, corn about 4 feet, and the okra and cantaloupe are coming in nicely. Plus, just today, I spotted my very first butternut squash! Yay!

The temperatures here lately are in the high 90's. The mosquitos and yellow flies are unbearable!! I've been bitten no less than 500 times and probably have the West Nile virus as I write!! (kidding)

I spent this past weekend home alone  while the boys went to the hunting camp in Florida to do "man stuff". Some quality father/son time on this Father's day weekend. Here at home, I slept till 9am, drank coffee on the porch, hung out with the hens, had quiet reading time in the yard, weeded the gardens, and spent some time with a best friend.           Nice. Simple. Perfect.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Saying goodbye.

It has been quiet and emotional around our home lately. I haven't felt much like writing. I feel sad and somewhat void. My husbands grandfather passed away last week. We lost our PaPa! He was 90 years old, a World War 2 veteran, a brother, a father, a grandfather, a great grandfather, a sweet, strong and hard working man. Saying goodbye is never easy. He will forever be cherished and missed. We love you, PaPa. Rest in peace.