Thursday, March 14, 2013


-Everyday we are a little closer to Spring. Please hurry.

-The broccoli floret shoots that come after the main head is harvested are the best part of broccoli, in my opinion.

-2 days ago, one of our hens, Lucy, pecked at a freckle and removed a hunk of my arm. Ouch! I'm certain that particular freckle is now gone.

-This time change is kicking my butt. I love the change of time, but not the adjustment to it. Yawn.

-Tomorrow is our 10 year wedding anniversary! I love him more everyday and I'm SO glad he puts up with my randomness!

-I am craving a margarita like something fierce this week.

-Just when I was about to give up on my cabbage, suddenly they are putting on heads!

....just some random ramblings of what's in my head.



  1. How exciting! Spring is just around the corner! Happy Anniversary to you! What a wonderful milestone :-). And I so know what you mean about the time change. We were just talking in exercise class last night, about how exhausted we all had been this week. One measly hour. Crazy what it does to our bodies! Happy weekend to ya!

    1. Thank you so much! It's a wonderful milestone. I know {Yawn}'s just an hour! LOL. Hope your weekend is wonderful. The weather is suppose to be really nice here in Ga. tomorrow and Sunday. I cant wait to get outside! :)

  2. love this image! did you make the quilt?
    happy 10th ♥

    1. Deb, Somehow I am just now seeing this comment! Sorry!! :(
      I did not make this quilt. It was a little treasure I found at a friends old family farmhouse. One of many things I was lucky enough to have! Its lovely, isnt it? It's an unfinished quilt top, which now hangs in our master bath as a beautiful shower curtain. I'm in love with it! Thanks for the sweet comment.
