Friday, February 8, 2013

For the love of vintage

I love finding new vintage treasures for our home. I am such a sentimental fool. To the point of almost ridiculousness. I love the fact that these things I collect have untold stories. They have been in places I'll never see and probably in hands of someone long passed. A little piece of those peoples lives will continue on because I've given whatever 'it' is, life again. A spoon that once fed, a jar that once preserved, a pan that once baked, a chair that once supported, a blanket that once warmed, a lantern that once lit someone's way. It's these simple little things, in my everyday living, that I find joy. I will almost always choose old over new. After all, everything deserves a second chance, right?? Here are a few of my treasures...

one can never have too many mason jars

vintage sheets 

pyrex  love

random silverware

vintage pillowcases

a random mug

all-time favorite pyrex

turquoise  love


  1. It looks like we love and collect all the same things! You really scored good with these finds! I would rather buy something old with a history anyday over something new from a big store. I can't even remember the last time I've shopped anywhere but a thrift store or estate sale. That's where the best treasures are and they give your home a true personality.

    Thanks for stopping by ... I'm happy you did, so I could find you. xo

  2. Aweee you're welcome. Im glad too! Kindred spirits :)
