Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I'm not a good summer blogger!

Too busy I suppose!? I don't really have some great excuse. I love to blog. I really do. I just don't know where the time goes. Before you know it, a month has passed me by. Busy in the garden, spending time with family and friends, and just living, I guess.

August has also been pretty rainy here. Not as much as July, but they're running a close race. But, in all, August has been a good month. And that is all I can ask for really.

Hugs xoxo

Friday, August 2, 2013

A rainy and gloomy July is gone...

And I couldn't be happier. I was definitely feeling blue. Somewhat in a slump. Couldn't seem to snap out of it. It rained for almost the entire month! I wanted to sleep all the time, I had constant headaaches, like 4 per week, and I didn't feel like cooking or cleaning. You get the point. Not much to blog about in my world. And so, here I am, blogging about it.

It is now August. A new month, a new attitude, a new beginning, and finally, some SUNshine. Yay!

Recently, I was browsing the web and found some inspirational pictures that made me feel happy, thought I would share. 

Also, I've decided to start drawing again. I'm no professional, just doodles mostly. But, it makes me happy. And that is all that is important.

Happy weekend!