Sunday, May 19, 2013

Easy Sweet Jalapenos

Sweet & Hot Jalapeno Peppers

1 1/4 cups sliced fresh jalapenos
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup water

1. Slice jalapenos, and place in a small sauce pan. 2. Add water and sugar. 3. Cook over medium heat until boiling. 4. Reduce temperature to low, and simmer until the liquid has reduced, and the sugar water has become syrup-like (about 15- 20 minutes depending on temperature of heat source). 5. Let cool and place in clean jelly jar. 6. Store in refrigerator.

We like to eat them on toasted bread or crackers with cream cheese. So yummy!



  1. I'm definately trying this treat! In facct I might jar some for my son....he lives off peppers!

    This is good too if you add mashed up raspberries in. That's how I make my raspberries jalapeno compote.

    Happy Monday!

    1. Oh.... the raspberries sound good. I'll have to try that as well.
      Happy Monday to you!! XO

  2. I'll try this! I loved pickled ones but never though about sweet ones. And with cream cheese! My mouth's watering!
