So much negativity out there. Almost daily.... you hear it, see it, and sometimes you find yourself in the center of it. Why do people feel it necessary to put others down for their way of thinking and doing? Is it too hard to simply understand or except that everyone is different and that it takes 'all' kinds of people to make this world to go-a-round? I may think to myself "well, that is not how I would do that" but I certainly don't feel it necessary to ridicule others for doing something their way. I personally believe everyone has a reason for the way they are. Not everyone has or had a perfect life. Infact, obviously, most do not. Life isn't perfect. Everyone has their own path to walk. All of the things, small and large, that we endure along the way of our lifes journey, will truly, only be known by us as individuals. You will never know (and may not want to know) every detail of what made them who they are today!
I believe it's true....People only put others down in order to make themselves feel better about who they are. I sincerely feel sad for those people and I can only hope that they can grow and become more confident in their own skin.
*Be kind to everyone, for everyone is fighting a battle
*Nobody likes a Negative-Nancy
*Unless you've walked on my exact path, don't pretend to know my journey.
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