Sunday, September 30, 2012

Feeling nostalgic on this last day of September and full moon!

Last chance to squeeze in one last post this month....

I keep thinking about the sound of my granny Newsome's slamming door on her old back porch. Hoping and dreaming that one day, I too, will have that @ my dream farmhouse! The sound that was once annoying to her, I'm sure, is now a wonderful memory for me. One that I would love to hear again real soon. I know in my heart it will happen! And I can hardly wait! Happy full moon!

Peace and love.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Autumnal Equinox and John turns 40!

This past Saturday was the Autumnal Equinox. I celebrated by planting new fall flowers (mums and zinnias), 6 new tomato plants, worked a little on the fall garden, sipped on pumpkin wheat ale beer and quietly watched the sun go down behind the pines. I can definitely feel a change in the air. Nice.

John turned 40 on friday. He spent a little over a week at the hunting camp in Florida. Bow hunting is his passion  and the opening of the season is always around his birthday. For him, its a perfect way to celebrate! We welcomed him home Sunday afternoon with a home-cooked BBQ dinner, homemade chocolate cake with Yummy cream cheese icing and fresh strawberries, and a little birthday surprise! We love you, babe. XOXO

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Only I have walked in these shoes. (a rant)

So much negativity out there. Almost daily.... you hear it, see it, and sometimes you find yourself in the center of it. Why do people feel it necessary to put others down for their way of thinking and doing? Is it too hard to simply understand or except that everyone is different and that it takes 'all' kinds of people to make this world to go-a-round? I may think to myself "well, that is not how I would do that" but I certainly don't feel it necessary to ridicule others for doing something their way. I personally believe everyone has a reason for the way they are. Not everyone has or had a perfect life. Infact, obviously, most do not. Life isn't perfect. Everyone has their own path to walk. All of the things, small and large, that we endure along the way of our lifes journey, will truly, only be known by us as individuals. You will never know (and may not want to know) every detail of what made them who they are today!

I believe it's true....People only put others down in order to make themselves feel better about who they are. I sincerely feel sad for those people and I can only hope that they can grow and become more confident in their own skin.


*Be kind to everyone, for everyone is fighting a battle

*Nobody likes a Negative-Nancy

*Unless you've walked on my exact path, don't pretend to know my journey.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A weekend of plenty...

* morning back-porch coffee              

* fresh hay for the chicken coop

* dug the last of the Sweet potatoes

* homemade raspberry jam

* sitting in the evening sun

* late dinner of vegetables

Friday, September 7, 2012

This old door.

Everyday for the past year I have driven by a building with a small old barn sitting just behind it. On the steps of this barn was this old pink door. I always thought to myself 'I really want that door'. So today was the day. I pulled into the empty lot and looked around. No one insight. Darnit! I got out of my car and started walking toward the back of another nearby industrial type building. It was very quiet and honestly a bit scary, but I kept walking... all the way up to this old opened garage door. Just inside I saw two older gentleman sitting there old friends! I stepped in and one of them asked if he could help me with something. Thank goodness! I explained the old barn and asked if he knew who owned it. His reply "yes, I own it". My heart was happy. I questioned him about the old door and asked him if he would be willing to sell it. After all, it had been sitting basically outside for all this time and through all types of weather. His reply, "sure, its a 50 year old door and the paint is chipping off badly, but you can have it for $10.00". My reply, "Sold"!  Turns out these two older gentleman were really funny and very talkative. I sat and talked with them for about 30 minutes. We chatted about military life, small towns, old fashion chocolate malts, his lawn mower repair business and coca-cola with peanuts. It was a great time! Ok, so back to business. I told him that I would be right back with his money. So, I went to the nearest gas station,  bought 3 coca-colas and 3 packs of peanuts, and got $10.00 in cash. When I returned to the garage and saw the smiles that came over these two gentlemans faces, once they saw what I had for them, I thought 'how priceless'! In the end we were all happy, and at last, I had that old pink door!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A time to reflect...

I love my evening walks with my husband. It's a good time for us to 'just talk'. About anything we want. No Interruptions. No phones. No text. No Emails. Sometimes, on rare occasions, I walk alone. Not because I want to. Just because it happens. I must say it's nice. Just me, alone with my thoughts and nature. A time to be quiet. A time to soak it all in. A time to reflect.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Shhhhhhh, don't tell the others!

Of the four chickens, Hillary, pictured here, is my very favorite. Don't get me wrong, I do love them all, however, she is very loving. She runs up to me for petting and follows me everywhere I go, just like a shadow. Often she jumps on my lap and just sits. Don't tell the others, but she has my heart. I love how she pecks at the freckles on my arm and I swear she knows what I'm saying. I know its a bit crazy, but it's simple and priceless love.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Where did August go?

August flew by me it seems.  And what happened exactly? Let's see...

-Back to school for J.T. (10th grade)

-A long weekend get-a-way with Aunt Nell @ her beach house in Keaton, FL. A weekend full of sunsets, sunrises, sewing, wine, food, movies, karaoke, long talks, and nurturing for my soul. Just exactly what I was needing. Aunt Nell is my mothers sister and is very dear to me. I love her very much.

-Planning and getting ready for the fall garden. Preparing the soil, etc.

-Two of our hens started laying. And in some very odd places I might add.

-Hunting season is just around the corner. Football as well. (my husband can hardly contain himself).

-Cooler temperatures. Fall is definitely in the air. My favorite time of year!