Happy New Year! I still can't wrap my head around it being a new year already. We made it through December with one of the best Christmas' yet. We all spent the night at mama's house on Christmas Eve. My mama, brother, sister and I, and our little families were all together under one roof. We played games, watched movies, ate oysters by the fire, made candy, laughed, cried and had the most precious time. My mama was happy and so were we. I wouldn't change a thing about it. It was perfect! Hope your Christmas was wonderful, too!
So, here we are. It's January. I still have a mound of laundry to do, and there are remnants of wrapping paper laying around, yet I'm sitting here drinking my second cup of coffee and writing this post. I'm not one to make new year resolutions, however, I do have a plan for a great year. I mean, don't we always plan for a great year anyway? Seems kind of silly once you say it out loud or write it down. It's going to be a bit crazy come spring, J.T. graduates high school. (long pause) Still soaking that in as well. He was just six years old not long ago. My husband starts nursing tomorrow, yes tomorrow!! So, what's my plan? My plan is to be the 'calm' in the storms ahead. The meal planner, chef, problem solver, garden planner, chicken whisperer, back patter, hug giver, you know...the usual! (Smile) I just want to keep things on track and running smoothly. So... my goal, my 'plan' is to keep this house a home, a place of comfort and love. It's simple really. Consciously slowing down and taking time for life. I don't want to just drink a cup of coffee, I want to drink a cup of GOOD coffee. I most certainly don't want to "microblast" it three times before I have finished it. You know? Planning meals in advance and having all the ingredients in my kitchen make it easier to eat healthier, make homemade meals and stay away from processed foods. Plan, schedule, and slowwww down. That's it. Live intentionally. Enjoy it. Love it. Life is short. One minute you are six, and the next minute you are graduating high school...and before you know it your forty-two year old husband is attending nursing school.
Now, I'm off to "microblast" my coffee and tackle that mound of laundry! Ha Ha. (True Story)
Hope you all have a happy and healthy New Year!
Light and Love,