Today is the first day of spring. Hallelujah! This afternoon I was checking the seed trays that I just started this past Sunday. I couldn't believe when I saw, already, a few seedlings have popped up through the dirt. I still get excited, just like a child, when I see the first seedlings poking their little heads. Isn't that silly? It always makes me happy.
I'm not quite ready to give up on my winter garden, as I still have broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and brussel sprouts growing. Our cabbage seems to be putting on heads a bit late. Not sure they will make it. However, I did cut handfuls of the lower leaves off this afternoon. I rinsed and chopped them, tossed them in a deep frying/saute pan with olive oil, fresh chopped garlic and salt. Once they were coated well, I added a few cups of water and let them cook down for about 45 minutes. Next I added a little butter, a few dashes of pepper, a little more salt, and John and I did a taste test. To our surprise, they were actually very good! I was happy, as I hate to waste anything! They have somewhat of a strong taste. It's hard to describe the flavor. John says it's a cross between a collard and cabbage. I'm not sure. Just simply taste like a green of some kind. Tender and healthy, yet yummy.
I love that when we prepare our meals, almost always, there is something from our garden on our plates. We know exactly what it is and where it's from. It's healthy, organic and very rewarding!
Happy Spring and Happy Gardening!