Friday, March 22, 2013

An off day.

Today has been such an 'off day' for me. I woke up and had my usual cup of coffee. I had such great intentions for the day. It was kind of all planned out in my head even. I'm still not sure where it all went wrong!?! An overly tired mind? Feelings of pressure from things that need to be done? A long and busy four days at work? I can't seem to get ahead. Mostly because I'm exhausted, sleepy and lazy. I just want to stay in bed. Get lost in something else. Something other than the 'right now' in my life. It's spring. I'm ready to do spring "stuff"! But, it's cold and windy and there is a storm headed our way. I think I'll just curl back up with an old book, my favorite blanket and a warm candle. Tomorrow is a new day.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring has arrived!

Today is the first day of spring. Hallelujah!  This afternoon I was checking the seed trays that I just started this past Sunday. I couldn't believe when I saw, already, a few seedlings have popped up through the dirt. I still get excited, just like a child, when I see the first seedlings poking their little heads. Isn't that silly? It always makes me happy.

I'm not quite ready to give up on my winter garden, as I still have broccoli,  cauliflower, cabbage, and brussel sprouts growing. Our cabbage seems to be putting on heads a bit late. Not sure they will make it. However, I did cut handfuls of the lower leaves off this afternoon. I rinsed and chopped them, tossed them in a deep frying/saute pan with olive oil, fresh chopped garlic and salt. Once they were coated well, I added a few cups of water and let them cook down for about 45 minutes. Next I added a little butter, a few dashes of pepper, a little more salt, and John and I did a taste test. To our surprise, they were actually very good! I was happy, as I hate to waste anything! They have somewhat of a strong taste. It's hard to describe the flavor. John says it's a cross between a collard and cabbage. I'm not sure. Just simply taste like a green of some kind. Tender and healthy, yet yummy.

I love that when we prepare our meals, almost always, there is something from our garden on our plates. We know exactly what it is and where it's from. It's healthy, organic and very rewarding! 

Happy Spring and Happy Gardening!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Homemade Liquid Dishwasher Soap!

This stuff is awesome! And I'm so excited about the money we will save. From the research and number crunching I've done, I figure it's about $3.00 per batch...(about 150 oz.) I choose lavender, my all-time favorite scent, and It smells amazing! It ONLY takes 1 tbs per load, plus I add a very small drop of original Dawn dish washing liquid to the open pocket -for the first cycle, as I find it helps with any hard water stains. You can also use white distilled vinegar in the rinsing pocket. I wouldn't do both, as personally I think it's overkill. Choose one or the other. Trust me, this small amount of only 1tbs. gets the job done! Squeaky clean! From my research, I've read that this batch and amount used should last you approximately 5-6 months. Crazy huh? There is always an adjustment that can be made. Just find what works and doesn't work for you and go from there. It basically depends on your water and it's hardness. Feel free to contact me with any questions, and hopefully, I can offer advice to you about what I think should be done as an improvement.
Hope you all have good luck with this! Keep me posted on your individual results!
Best of of luck,
Diane xoxo

finished product

recipe & notes


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Right now I'm...

Seeing: The cutest dog ever, cuddled up next to me.
Hearing:  The loudest dish washer in the state of GA. (In our kitchen).
Smelling: Wood smoke drifting through the air, coming from the open window in our bedroom.
Feeling: The warmth of my bed I'm laying in and the little bundle of fur next to me.
Wishing:  Tomorrow was Sunday.
Thinking:  Of warm sunny days and our spring/summer garden.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


-Everyday we are a little closer to Spring. Please hurry.

-The broccoli floret shoots that come after the main head is harvested are the best part of broccoli, in my opinion.

-2 days ago, one of our hens, Lucy, pecked at a freckle and removed a hunk of my arm. Ouch! I'm certain that particular freckle is now gone.

-This time change is kicking my butt. I love the change of time, but not the adjustment to it. Yawn.

-Tomorrow is our 10 year wedding anniversary! I love him more everyday and I'm SO glad he puts up with my randomness!

-I am craving a margarita like something fierce this week.

-Just when I was about to give up on my cabbage, suddenly they are putting on heads!

....just some random ramblings of what's in my head.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

The promise of Spring!

Oh Spring! Slowly, but surely, I can feel her coming. I'm dreaming of the river, delicate flower blooms, a new garden, open windows, fresh air and the warm sun. It's all just around the corner and I couldn't be more ready!

Here are a few pictures as of late...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Cold Saturday, Spent Inside

With today's high in the upper 40's, we stayed indoors all day.

I made this Okra Hash dish for dinner. The family loves it! Definitely will be making this often. The colors are just beautiful together, aren't they? Here is the recipe...



2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 onion, small dice
2 cups sweet potato, small dice
3 cups okra, sliced in circles
1/2 red bell pepper, small dice
1/2 yellow bell pepper, small dice
1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika


Heat oil in a large sauté pan over medium heat. Add onions and cook for about 2 minutes until translucent. Add the potatoes and cook for 3 minutes. Add the okra, peppers and smoked paprika and continue to cook until potatoes are tender about 10-12 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste.


I also organized our pantry. It was long overdue. I try to keep our dry goods in jars to extend the shelf life. And of course I love to use the vintage blue mason/ball jars in doing so. (Naturally)

With cleaned laundry, kitchen organizing and trying a lovely new recipe, I'm left feeling accomplished today. A good feeling indeed.

What did you do today?