Thursday, February 28, 2013

Last day of February.

I thought I'd squeeze in one last post for February and tell you what we've been up to.

This week:

We started our evening walks again. Now that the days are getting longer, I arrive home in time for a short family walk before the sun sets. Nice! I've missed that.

We are making a conscious effort to eat healthier. We've decided to go two or three days a week without meat.  Veggies, brown rice, beans, etc...
Cutting out sodas and putting less sugar in our sweet tea. I figure we will splurge somewhat on the weekends to make the week easier.

We've been planning and discussing our spring/summer garden. Getting our seeds in order. I can hardly wait for zucchini!  My husband loves it grilled with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. Very yummy! We are planting a little bit bigger garden this year. Still learning what works for us and planting more of what does. And zucchini definitely works!

I've been waiting patiently to harvest our cauliflower! It's nearing the end. Almost there! Our broccoli and cauliflower did great this year. That means more will go in the ground next year!! And the Romaine lettuce.....oh how I love Romaine. It's so easy. I love to go out and pick just enough for a salad only 30 minutes before we eat. Now that's fresh!

And to be completely honest with you...These past few days I've been somewhat moody. Grouchy, I guess you could say. Not sure what's going on with me. Trying to snap out of it! Tomorrow is Friday, so that should make things better. Right!?!

Hope you all have had a great week!

Love and hugs.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Listening to...

Watch "Ryan Adams - Dirty Rain (In Studio Acoustic Version)" on YouTube

Gray rainy days...

It's been raining here in Georgia for almost 4 days straight. Schools are closed tomorrow! The rivers and creeks are rising and flooding has become somewhat of a concern.

Although I'm more than ready for Spring, I find peace and comfort in the rain. The sound of each drop...tranquil!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Come sit...(continued)

Even after he died, he was still there. He never really went away. Time passed and her life moved on. She dealt with her past the best she knew how. From time to time the aftermath and pain of her childhood always had a way of coming to surface. Eventually, she learned that talking about it helped her a lot. She was finally able to release alot of what she had suppressed over the years, and the pain became less. However, even after therapy and 30 plus years, she still felt unsettled about this man and all that he had done to her. The thought of this man, the man that she once called "Grandpa", still haunted her on occasion. Always leaving her with anxiety, depression, tears and pain. One day, not so long ago, she decided it was time to put it all behind her. She wanted to be done with this once and for all. No more feelings of shame, no more feelings of guilt, no more hate. She wanted to be free. Free from the anger. It was no longer going to consume her! She refused it. You see, she had learned that the only way to release herself from him, was to forgive him. Once she made the decision to do so, she knew it was the right one. On a beautiful, sunny Monday in the middle of August, in the presence of a loved one, an ordained minister, and God, she forgave her grandfather for ALL he had done. There was prayer and tears, there were hugs and smiles, and best of all, there was a quiet peace. For she, the little girl with the big green eyes and the young woman with the medium brown hair, was finally free.

The End.


Friday, February 22, 2013

Come sit....

and let me tell you a story...

There once was a little girl who was afraid to be alone...especially to be alone with a particular old man. A man she knew all too well. You see, this man was not nice to her, for he did things to her that were never to be spoken of. Things she lived with for a very long time. She grew to hate him and everything about him. The sound of his voice, the look of his old weathered hands, the very site and smell of him made her nauseous to the core. The stare from his eyes hid a deep dark secret. A secret that only she could tell. As this little girl grew up and became a young woman, the old man grew older and became very ill. She had wished for a long time, although she felt guilty, that he would just die, disappear forever. Eventually, he did. And she was very happy. For she was finally free....or was she?

To be continued ....

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lost in the middle

Lately, I've been feeling stuck. Somewhat lost in the middle. Knowing what needs to be done around here (our home), and actually making it happen is not working out too well for me. I need a change. These gray days and winter have me feeling like a broken record.....stuck in the same spot. Lazy perhaps!? I can't seem to get ahead of the game. I know I've been here before and I can never remember how I move forward. However, I'm certain it involves warm sunshine and a quiet place to clear my cluttered mind.

Friday, February 8, 2013

For the love of vintage

I love finding new vintage treasures for our home. I am such a sentimental fool. To the point of almost ridiculousness. I love the fact that these things I collect have untold stories. They have been in places I'll never see and probably in hands of someone long passed. A little piece of those peoples lives will continue on because I've given whatever 'it' is, life again. A spoon that once fed, a jar that once preserved, a pan that once baked, a chair that once supported, a blanket that once warmed, a lantern that once lit someone's way. It's these simple little things, in my everyday living, that I find joy. I will almost always choose old over new. After all, everything deserves a second chance, right?? Here are a few of my treasures...

one can never have too many mason jars

vintage sheets 

pyrex  love

random silverware

vintage pillowcases

a random mug

all-time favorite pyrex

turquoise  love

Friday, February 1, 2013

February~A Weekend Alone

I'm home alone this weekend. Free to do whatever my heart desires. No plans made. No real schedule to follow. Nice!

 I see late sleeping, late hot coffee, and warm cozy sweaters & socks in my future. I'm not too overly concerned about the few dirty dishes in the kitchen sink or the laundry that needs to be washed. It's gonna be a do whatever, whenever kinda weekend. Which is absolutely perfect for me! 

*Happy Saturday*