Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

What a lovely day. We had a low key and stress free day, amazingly! John and I woke up fairly early to get things going in the kitchen...starting with coffee, naturally. Once we got to a breaking point, we opened our gifts. I was very happy to receive my new kindle. Yippie!

My Mama, my sister-Karen, her boyfriend-Glen and my neice-Lindsey came to our home this year for a Christmas lunch. Their arrival time was on schedule, lunch was perfectly cooked, gifts were exchanged, and good memories were made. A really nice Christmas for me. One of the best I've had in awhile and I am very grateful for that.

Tomorrow is my pre-op for the dreaded tonsillectomy. I go under the knife in 2 short days. I'm thankful for a fridge full of (planned) left overs so the guys can eat well while I am 'out-of-commission'. I'm still a little nervous about the pain that comes after this surgery. But I am ready to get it all behind me and start a fresh and healthy new year!

Merry Christmas  2012.

Friday, December 21, 2012

~Insomnia ~

It's 2am and I'm lying here wide awake. A million thoughts rushing through my head. A lot of things I need to do before Christmas Day... Finish shopping for gifts, gather recipes and menu plan so I can grocery shop, clean this house, wrap gifts, bake, etc.....it's an ongoing list. Typically, I like to keep it simple and enjoy it all, however, I feel cluttered and somewhat claustrophobic.

Also, I have this continuous feeling of having something stuck in my throat and I'm finding it hard to relax. It's driving me kinda nuts. An upcoming scheduled surgery for a tonsillectomy (2 days after Christmas) has me feeling nervous.

Tomorrow, today actually, I'm taking  my mom shopping. So...I should really be asleep right now! Instead I'm writing and debating wether or not to just get up!

Orrrrrrrrr...maybe I'll try for just a few more hours...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

In search of Christmas spirit!

December already? Really? I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Christmas is near. With temperatures nearing the 80's, I'm finding it very difficult. I don't have a tree up or a present purchased. What?! Really not much else to say about it either. Sad.

On a side note: I took this picture of this beautiful house. It's quite lovely, but very much lifeless (reminiscent of the Christmas spirit in our home). Although this house is dead and quiet, I found myself standing there, just staring. In love with it. Drawn to it. Wanting badly to sit on it's steps and be still. Time did not allow. Nor did the "no trespassing" sign.